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敎育方法으로서의 敎化의 性格과 問題

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 14권 / 3호
저자명 : 尹八重


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 敎化의 性格
Ⅲ. 敎育方法으로서의 問題
Ⅳ. 結論: 敎師에의 示唆點

영어 초록

It is worthwhile, I think, to identify and to criticize the characteristics of indoctinaiton as a teaching method. But there has not been any report of study or research on this field of academic domain so far in Korea.
The present article attempts to identify the nature, of indoctrination in terms of teaching method, to. find out any potential problems of the indoctrination when it is practiced in schools and in other educational institutes for the purpose of students’ being changed in their belief and knowledge, and to formulate any suggestions for the teachers avoiding the indoctrination in their teaching situations.
“Indoctrniation” can be defind on the basic of such criteria as intention, content, method, and consequence. It is one of the typical definitions that indoctrination is the transmission of doctrines of which we are suspicious by teaching methods which we regard as morally objectionable. Indoctrination can be differentiated, among others, from instruction, training and conditioning in its intention’s non-educativeness, content’s confinabblity to philosophy, religion, politics especially, and consequence’s making people be closed-mindedness.
Problem of indoctrination regarded as a teaching method originated chiefly from the lack of rationality in its communication. And inhibiting the growth of self-thinking ability of student, and the possibility to extend to self-indoctrination are the additional problems of indoctrination. Present article gives teachers some suggestions.
First, teachers who teaches philosophy, and history of political science, philosophy of religon, and moral science should be keenly cautious not to be fallen into indoctrinating method.
Second, teachers themselves should not be indoctrinated in the contents of. the subject. matters they teach.
Third, teachers should have a sound attitude toward students; they should regard students independent person and individuality.
Fourth, teachers should always examine all the step of teaching procedures, especially the evaluating step not to check up end¬products only held non-evidentially.
Fifth, teachers should master various teaching method; mastery of teaching methods may defend them from indoctrination.

참고 자료



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敎育方法으로서의 敎化의 性格과 問題
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