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The Effects of the Creative Teaching Method on the Music Memory Utilizing Mental Imagery

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최종 저작일
6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국창의력교육학회 수록지정보 : 창의력교육연구
저자명 : Eunhee Park, Juhyun Hah


Research issue
Experimental design
Research results
Research Conclusion

영어 초록

The purpose of this research is to examine the creative teaching method, combined
with pictures and discussions, used in a college music class, and the substantial
effects of it on music memory, compared to the traditional lecture method. The
experiment group is formed of 100 students who attend the music class as their
elective class at a university located in Chungnam province, Korea. The research
procedure began with a preliminary group homogeneity test to measure music
memory, esthetics factor and empathy, then was followed by an experiment using
different types of teaching methods. Experiment group 1 was instructed to do mental
imagery and draw the mental images on paper after listening to a piece of music.
Experiment group 2 was instructed to do mental imagery as well, but was told to
discuss and share their mental images after listening to the same piece of music. The
controlled group, on the other hand, listened to a lecture after listening to same
music. The results of this experiment are as follows: First, the group homogeneity
test was conducted before the experiment showed that music memory varied among
groups. The results of the experiments showed that the covariance, the mental
imagery teaching method, was significantly effective. Both experiment group 1 and
group 2 showed significantly better results of memorizing and understanding the
music than the control group. No significant statistic difference appeared between the
methods of drawing pictures and group discussion. When a qualitative study was
applied, both group 1 and the control group showed external description of music, but group 2 that used the discussion method showed internal description of music
slightly better than group 1 which applied the picture method. The results suggest
that a student- centered and creative teaching method applying mental imagery can
allow students to not only understand and learn about music more effectively but
also find interest music compared to when students learn through instructor- centered,
lecturing teaching method.

참고 자료



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The Effects of the Creative Teaching Method on the Music Memory Utilizing Mental Imagery
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