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유해화학물질 분석을 위한 생태조사 기반의 타깃 후보어종 선정법

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국환경생물학회 수록지정보 : 환경생물 / 41권 / 2호
저자명 : 김지윤, 진상현, 조민재, 최혜지, 안광국


1. 서 론
2. 재료 및 방법
2.1. 조사지점 및 조사시기
2.2. 이화학적 수질 분석
2.3. 어류 현장 조사
2.4. 다변수 어류 평가지수 모델 (FAI)을 이용한수생태계 건강성 평가
2.5. 통계 분석
3. 결과 및 고찰
3.1. 유해화학물질 분석을 위한 타깃 후보종 선정 모델개발 및 메트릭 속성
3.2. 어류상 및 분포 특성 분석
3.3. 타깃 후보종에 대한 공서종 분석
3.4. 테스트배드에서 다변수 어류 모델 기반의수생태계 건강성 평가
3.5. 테스트배드와 레퍼런스 하천의 이화학적 수질 특성
3.6. 타깃 어종 선정 시 고려사항
적 요
사 사

영어 초록

This study was conducted to select target fish species as baseline research for accumulation analysis of major hazardous chemicals entering the aquatic ecosystem in Korea and to analyze the impact on fish community. The test bed was selected from a sewage treatment plant, which could directly confirm the impact of the inflow of harmful chemicals, and the Geum River estuary where harmful chemicals introduced into the water system were concentrated. A multivariable metric model was developed to select target candidate fish species for hazardous chemical analysis. Details consisted of seven metrics: (1) commercially useful metric, (2) top-carnivorous species metric, (3) pollution fish indicator metric, (4) tolerance fish metric, (5) common abundant metric, (6) sampling availability (collectability) metric, and (7) widely distributed fish metric. Based on seven metric models for candidate fish species, eight species were selected as target candidates. The co-occurring dominant fish with target candidates was tolerant (50%), indicating that the highest abundance of tolerant species could be used as a water pollution indicator. A multi-metric fish-based model analysis for aquatic ecosystem health evaluation showed that the ecosystem health was diagnosed as “bad conditions”. Physicochemical water quality variables also influenced fish feeding and tolerance guild in the testbed. Eight water quality parameters appeared high at the T1 site, indicating a large impact of discharging water from the sewage treatment plant. T2 site showed massive algal bloom, with chlorophyll concentration about 15 times higher compared to the reference site.

참고 자료



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유해화학물질 분석을 위한 생태조사 기반의 타깃 후보어종 선정법
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