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Cross-border Tourism Cooperation in The Context of China-Myanmar Economic Corridor : The Case of the Dehong

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
32페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 7,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국국회학회 수록지정보 : 한국과 세계 / 2권 / 2호
저자명 : Wei Zong, Jie Yu, Hao Zhang, Chengcen Zhang


Ⅰ. The origin of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor
Ⅱ. Literature review of cross-border tourism
1. The concept of cross-border tourism
2. Literature review of Western countries
3. Literature review of China
Ⅲ. Current situation of China-Myanmar cross-bordertourism cooperation
1. The number of border tourists has expanded and thecooperation has been deepened
2. The construction of tourism infrastructure promotescross-border tourism
3. Mutual compatibility and complement of resources of tourism
Ⅳ. Issues of China-Myanmar cross-border tourism cooperation
1. Tardiness of the cooperation mechanism construction
2. The weakness of service infrastructure construction
3. The tardiness of network platforms development
4. The sharing of tourism resources is weak, and thelevel of product development is depressed
5. Insufficient cooperation in tourism talent training
Ⅴ. Suggestions for China-Myanmar cross-bordertourism cooperation
1. Seize the opportunity to deepen China-Myanmar crossbordertourism cooperation
2. Speeding up the construction of tourism infrastructureand promote the development of tourism in the whole region
3. Innovating ideas, strengthening product cooperation,and creating high-quality routes
4. Strengthen the cooperation and training of tourismtalents and expand the new cooperation and training models
5. Employing the “Internet+” concept to build an integratednetwork service
Ⅵ. Research deficiencies and future directions of research

한국어 초록

21세기 초부터 중국의 해외관광산업이 많이 활발해졌고, 운남성도 이러한 배경 하에 주변국가와 관광산업분야에서 협력의 폭과 깊이를 넓힐 수 있었다. 중국-미얀마 경제회랑은 중국이 설립 된 두 번째 무역회랑이며 이는 란창-메콩 지역발전에 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 학술계는 운남 및 미얀마 양측의 관광산업을 중심으로 한 협력이 더욱더 활성화 될 거라고 전망하고 있다. 본 논문은 중국-미얀마 경제 회랑 건설을 기반으로 중국 Dehong지역과 미얀마 간의 관광산업협력 현황 및 협력 메커니즘, 인프라 구축, 국경 간 관광 상품 개발 및 관광 서비스 등을 분석하였고, 또한 Dehong과 미얀마 간 관광 협력에 적합한 친환경적인 협력모델을 탐색하였다.

영어 초록

Since the 21st century, the ways of cross-border and cross-national tourism in China’s borders have been diversified increasingly, which has expanded the breadth and depth of Yunnan’s foreign cooperation. The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor is the second trade corridor established between China and unilateral countries. It plays an essential role in the construction of the Lancang-Mekong Regional Economic Corridor. Based on the construction of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, this article analyzes the statuses and issues of cross-border tourism cooperation between Myanmar and China’s Dehong Prefecture, which mainly includes the cooperation mechanism, infrastructure construction, cross-border tourism product development, and tourism service levels in Dehong Prefecture, so that to explore a suitable cross-border tourism cooperation model with ecological pattern in this region. The research aims to enrich the theories of China’s border and cross-border tourism development and provide significant references for promoting cross-border tourism cooperation in Dehong Prefecture under the background of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor.

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Cross-border Tourism Cooperation in The Context of China-Myanmar Economic Corridor : The Case of the Dehong
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