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Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce Problem and Solution(국제이주결혼 여성의 이혼 문제와 해결방안)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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국제이주결혼 여성의 이혼 문제와 해결방안에 대한 22장 짜리 영어레포트입니다.
대학원 수업에서 제출하였고, 참고문헌은 모두 각주처리하였습니다.
국제이주결혼 여성의 이혼에서 발생 가능한 법적 문제를 검토하였고, 관련 고등법원 판례도 인용하였습니다.


I. Introduction
(1) Purpose of the Study
(2) Sources of Study and Research Methods
1) Sources of Study
2) Method
(3) Table of Contents

Ⅱ. Present Condition of International Marriages
1. Legal Definition of Married Immigrant Women
2. Social Background of International Marriages
1) Domestic Cause (Perspective of Absorption)
a. Gender Imbalance from Preference for Male Offspring & Rural Women`s Movement
b. An Unwelcomed Marriageable Age Men(Social Polarization)
2) International Cause(Cause of Emigration)
3) Summary
3. Increase of International Marriages

Ⅲ. Reason of Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce and Current State of Affairs
1. Major Reason
(1) Difference in Characters
(2) Economic Difficultyties & Mental or Physical Mistreatment
(3) Etc.
2. Current State of Affairs

Ⅳ. International Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce Process & Problems : Married Migrant Women Who didn`t Acquired Korean Nationlity
(1) Republic of Korea`s Divorce System
1) Judicial Divorce
2) Divorce by Agreement
(2) Present International Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce Process
1) Before Divorce : Consultation, Filing of A Lawsuit
a. Emergency Support Center for Migrant Woman
b. Violence victim migrant women self-support center
c. Korea Legal Aid Center for Family Relations
d. Multi-cultural family Legal Aid Center
2) Legal Procedures and Process
a. Family Court
b. Korea Legal Aid Corporation
3) After Divorce
Parental rights and Custody - Parental rights and Custody
4) Case Study : About Marriage Migrant Women
Case of Presumption of Biological Child for a Foreign Born Child - Seoul Family Court Decision 2008Reu2020,3283
(서울가법, 2008르2020,3283) Decided March 20,2009 [Divorce, etc.] Final Judgment
a. case summery
b. disposition of family court
c. legal meaning for marriage migrant women
(3)Problem of Present International Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce Process
a. Civil Act Article 840(Reasons for Judicial Divorce) and burden of proof issue
b. jurisdiction of family court

V. Improvemnet of Present International Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce Process

Ⅵ. Conclusion


I. Introduction
(1) Purpose of the Study
The term “family” means the fundamental group unit of society formed by marriage, blood or adoption. Recently, the number of multicultural family is increasing. It reflects social change of South Korea. South Korea is often quoted as the prime example of a successful modern industrialized country. In common with many other industrialized countries, we have experienced major changes over the last for several decades. Generally speaking, the change from agricultural country to industrialized country started 1960s.

Marriage issue was no exception. It has very complicated social problems. Preference for male offspring and birth rate drop result in gender imbalance. The proportion of men to women has changed dramatically over the years. It`s main cause of international marrige`s growth.
But the issue of more multicultural family is growing as well, too. Multicultural family’s major problem is linguistic & cultural differences.

참고 자료

결혼이민자 여성의 가정폭력 피해현황과 지원체계 개선방안, 변화순 · 이미정 · 김혜영 · 황정미 · 이선형, 여성가족부 연구보고서, 2008
Is Lowest-Low Fertility going to Continue in Korea?(초저출산은 지속될 것인가?), Sungho Chung(정성호), 한국인구학, Vol.33 No.2, 2010
The Causes & Solutions of the Problems of Immigrant Women in the International Marriage(국제혼인 이주여성 피해실태의 원인분석과 해결방안 모색), Ok Soong Cha(차옥숭), Discourse 201(담론 201) Vol.11 No.2, 한국사회역사학회, 2008
Foreign wives` life in Korea : focusing on the policy of welfare and health(국제결혼 이주여성 실태조사 및 보건·복지 지원 정책방안), 설동훈 외, 보건복지부 · 미래인력연구원 연구보고서, 2005
Proposal of Protection for Migrant Women`s Right(한국의 결혼이주여성 인권보호를 위한 제언), 정도희, 法學硏究, Vol.15 No.2, 2012
The special Dismantling cause of multicultural families and ParentalㆍCustody decision(다문화가족의 특수한 해체(이혼)원인과 친권·양육권의 결정), Jin-Keun Park(박진근), Law and Policy Study(법과 정책연구 10권 3호),the Korean Association of Law and Politics, 2010
Migrants and Multiculturalism(이주자와 다문화주의), Hyun Mee Kim(김현미), Journal of Contemporary Society and Culture(현대사회와 문화),연세대학교 사회발전연구소, Vol.26, 2008
oversea law (외국법령)
The United Kingdom, Immigration Rule
domestic law (국내 법령)
Nationality Act (국적법)
Nationality Act Enforcement Rule (국적법 시행규칙)
Support For Multicultural Families Act (다문화가족지원법)
Civil Act (민법)
Civil Procedure Act (민사소송법)
Act on the Treatment of Foreigners in Korea (재한외국인처우기본법)
Statistical Data (통계자료)
The National Statistical Office, Population & Social Statistics Bureau : dynamics of population statistics (marriage & divorce) 2009
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Marriage Migrant Women`s Divorce Problem and Solution(국제이주결혼 여성의 이혼 문제와 해결방안)
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