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The Ministry of Public Administration and Security of the Republic of Korea has designated 89 cities, which means that counties and districts as danger zones for extinction; in other words, no one will live in 89 cities within 50 years. Most experts say that all infrastructure and jobs are concentrated in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and that the fertility rate has fallen to 0.83%, which has created the above situation (J. H. Cho, 2021). Twenty years ago, President Roh Moo-hyun and the government implemented a policy to develop Sejong's administrative capital as part of a balanced regional development policy to distribute infrastructure and jobs concentrated in the metropolitan area. However, about twenty years later now, balanced regional development policy failed to disperse the population concentrated in the metropolitan area. The current government is attempting to increase the fertility rate by investing more than 200 trillion won in the budget rather

참고 자료

Cho, H. S. (2021, June 21). Tourism hotel support measures low birth rates? The reality of the budget for low birth rate of 43 trillion won in "Popping". 관광호텔 지원이 저출산 대책? ‘뻥튀기’ 43조 저출산예산 실상. Joongang, https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/24087321#home
Cho, J. H. (2021, August 27). S. korea`s childbirths continue to thin to fresh lows, 0.82 by June. Maeil Business Newspaper, https://www.mk.co.kr/premium/special-report/view/2021/08/30702/
Cho, K. A. (2021). Korea’s low birth rate issue and policy directions. Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing, 27(1), 6–9. https://doi.org/10.4069/kjwhn.2021.02.16
Choi, S. H. (2020, January 16). Why did we fail to deal with low birth rates for more than ten years?. 10년 넘게 저출산 대책에 나섰지만 왜 실패했나?. Akomnews. https://www.akomnews.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=37861
Choi, U. S. (2019). Recognition of the quality of korean society and satisfaction with life. The Population Association of Korea, 5–8.
Gladstone, R. (2021, January 5). As birthrate falls, south korea’s population declines, posing threat to economy. The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/04/world/asia/south-korea-population.html
Government sitting on its hands. (2021, November 4). Koreajoongangdaily. https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2021/11/04/opinion/editorials/The-consumer-price-index/20211104192545977.html
Hamilton, S. (2021, May 14). Migration for the benefit of all. Korea times, https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2021/05/197_308603.html
Hungary tries for baby boom with tax breaks and loan forgiveness. (2019, February 11). BBC news, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47192612
Helping hungarians have all the babies they want. (2021, October 1). Balkan Insight, https://balkaninsight.com/2021/09/23/helping-hungarians-have-all-the-babies-they-want/
Ilany, O. (2021, June 18). Israel might have the answer to the global birthrate crash. Haaretz. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israel-might-have-the-answer-to-the-global-birthrate-crash-1.9917163
New package to raise birthrate. (2020, December 16). Korea times. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2020/12/137_300988.html
Lee, J. H. (2021, November 9). 6 in every 100 newborns in S. Korea born to multicultural families. Hankyoreh. https://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/1018604.html
Real risk of depopulation. (2021, October 20). Korea times, https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2021/10/202_317322.html?gonw
Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism. A policy to see at a glance - Countermeasures against low birth rates. (2019, December 18). 한눈에 보는 정책 - 저출산 대책. https://www.korea.kr/special/policyCurationView.do?newsId=148867671
Representative initiative of the “Special Act on Local Extinction Response” for balanced regional development. (2021, November 18). 지역 균형 발전 위한 "지방소멸 대응 특별법" 대표발의. Edaily, https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=03086486629247032&mediaCodeNo=257
Schieder, C. (2021, October 12). Reconciling population and social expectations in japan. East Asia Forum. https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2021/10/13/reconciling-population-and-social-expectations-in-japan/
Teh, C. (2021, July 16). Photos show how south korea’s plummeting birth rate has left hundreds of abandoned and crumbling schools throughout the country. Insider. https://www.insider.com/south-korea-birth-rate-abandoned-schools-photos-2021-7
Yanase, K. (2021, September 21). The new population bomb. Nikkei Asia. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/The-Big-Story/The-new-population-bomb
Yoo, C. M. (2021, October 18). 89 cities, counties, wards designated as depopulation areas. Yonhap. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20211018003200315


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