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[영문]쓰레기 매립지-Landfill Policy Shift

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9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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쓰레기 문제를 매립지 환경오염, 사회적인 분쟁 그리고 경제적 손실 세가지로 집중 분석하였습니다..영어글이므로 필요하신 분들만 쓰세요...
미국유학생인데 잉글리쉬 클라스에서 좋은 점수 받았습니다...
수고 하십시오




There exist so many potential negative effects of land filling on ground water and surface water. First, controlled burns on land were considered major advancements to uncontrolled burning or dumping discards in the oceans, rivers or lakes. After the banning of activities that environmentalists complained contributed to air and water pollution, land disposal of discards became the dominant disposal management technology of the seventies. According to Anthony’s research in 2002, “Although most towns had a dumping area, the fires polluted the air, thus sanitary landfill with daily cover instead of daily fires became state of the art.
“From the sixties to the eighties what was disposed in landfills was not regulated very well. Early State standards were prescriptive, they said that you cannot impact the environment, but there were no directions on what to do, only what couldn`t happen. We got off to a bad start in California.” (Anthony, 2002)
Moreover, organics transform into water during decomposition and heat accelerates this decomposition. The evaporation of water in landfill theory is that day-to-day heat could remove more water than what originally existed in the landfill. However, this logic forgets the following addendum: In a covered landfill, the heat actually accelerates organic decomposition of vegetative debris and food waste. The result is that residual petrol-chemicals mix with water into a toxic brew. Add waste, crush with a compactor, cover and leave the rest to time.

참고 자료

Anthony, R. 2002. Confessions of a landfill apologist. Grassroots recycling network.
Construction and Demolition Recycling. 2005. Ohio EPA finds toxic chemicals in C&D landfills. CandD R.
Construction and Demolition Recylcing. 2005. Critical Mass: as a law prohibiting C&D debris from entering its landfills nears, how recyclers and contractors respond in Massachusetts will be watched
EPA Parts 360-2.21.
EPA. 2006. Waste Minimization – a report. Environmental Protection Agency.
Sandoval, D. 2003. Surviving in a Nimby world: while most people favor recycling as a practice, recycling operations are considered unwelcome neighbors by many. Recycling Today.
Watanabe S, Kitamura K, Nagahashi M. Effects of dioxins on human health: a review. J Epidemiol 1999; 9:1-13.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영문]쓰레기 매립지-Landfill Policy Shift
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