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[영작문]South Korea, a Country Preparing for a Global Culture

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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UC Davis에서 교환학생으로 있으면서 제출하였던 레폿입니다. 스페셜리스트의 도움과 교수님의 가르침에 따라 몇번이나 수정된 글이며 제가 제출하였던 레폿 중에 이 글을 교수님이 가장 좋아하셨습니다. 자세한 예시와 적절한 다른 자료의 인용이돋보이는 글입니다.


1. Americanization
2. the relationship between Korean and American culture
3. the relationship between Korean and Chinese
4. the "Hanryu" trend
5. Cultural diffusion
(문서내 구분없음)


Globalization is one of the major features of the 21st century, and the term has come into common usage since the 1980s. In the essay Cultural Globalization is Not Americanization, Philippe Legrain states, “America is an outlier, not a global leader” (573). The writer thinks globalization leads not to Americanized uniformity, but cultural variety through an explosion of cultural exchange. I recognize that there is a lot of cultural mixing, but I think that America is such a powerful country that it surpasses other all countries in economic, cultural, and social life in the twenty-fist century. Moreover, unrestricted acceptance of culture on account of globalization causes a significant amount of Americanized uniformity. Therefore, it is important for South Koreans to concentrate on how to keep pace with this trend since globalization is very likely to be inevitable and irreversible.
America is dominating the culture of other nations today, and cultural diffusion of each country makes the global culture similar to American culture. Since national borders have fallen, each country is close to every other, so cultural exchange is easier than ever before. However, it is likely that the culture of a powerful nation is alive, but the weak one disappears when each culture interacts. In Prologue: The Super-Story, Thomas L. Friedman says “in the globalization system, the United States is now the sole and dominant superpower and all other nations are subordinate to it to one degree or another” (165). This sentence supports the argument that American culture greatly influences other nations as well.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영작문]South Korea, a Country Preparing for a Global Culture
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